Bel weekend ovunque, ma dopo maltempo, pesca in miglioramento.
Risalite di salmoni e buona pesca ovunque, sul Blackwater e a Galway improve markedly on the Blackwater, arrived in Galway, sul Bandon, un pesce di 13 libbre sul Ilen. Sempre bene on the Moy, e anche a Killarney, e sul Carrowmore anche trote di mare.

Terminata la schiusa delle mosche di maggio ma ancora attività nei laghi su Caenis nelle mattine più calme. Bene nei fiumi ad esempio sul Nore had great sport.

Molto bene in mare con l’acqua che si sta scaldando. In barca e da riva lungo tutta la costa. A Est in particolare smooth hound and tope. Il first shark per la barca di Tom Collins a Cork, mentre nel Clare great mixed species fishing. Bene le spigole a Wexford e fin su nel Donegal, ma anche bene in Galway Bay col pesce della settimana: un grosso tordo specimen ballan wrasse per Mariusz Lyszczynski.
Lucci e coarse fishing bene. Competizioni in corso, Jacek Gorny ha pescato lucci sul Lough Ree lately, with paying off handsomely.
Kevin Crowley, traduzione e testi Doriano Maglione
All the angling news
Salmon Fishing Reports
- Best week for anglers on the Moy so far
- Salmon, sea trout and browns caught on Carrowmore!
- Moy Estuary sea trout fishing still on a high
- Another quiet week on Currane but a few salmon from the Inny
- Bandon fishing well as grilse start to appear
- Salmon to 13lb reported from the Ilen
- Quiet last week but a lively start to this week on the Blackwater
- Rivers quiet in Killarney but salmon anglers do well on the lakes
- Grilse ignore travel restrictions as they arrive in Galway
Trout Fishing Reports
- More anglers on Lough O’Flynn but fishing tough going
- Great fishing on the Nore as trout take a bit of everything
- Some nice trout in the 2 to 3 lbs. range caught on Conn but generally a tough week
Coarse Angling Reports
Sea Angling Reports
- First shark of the year for Sea Angling Charters
- Capital Crab Pulls Big Bass
- Fishing improving for West Cork Charters
- Some good species fishing at Loughshinny
- IFSA Fish of the Month Starts With A Bang
- Superb Fishing for Wicklow Boats
- Heaps of Smoothies for Wicklow Bay SAC
- Specimen Wrasse in Galway Bay
- More nice bass for Killybegs Mariners
- Great species fishing in Clare
- Great fishing for charter skippers in the Northwest
- Fantastic bass lure fishing for Cormac in Wexford
- Bass: What lures and why – One angler’s experience
Pike Angling Reports
Other News